Holy land tuning in…

By January 23, 2012Latest News

By Jaya Sila Dasa

I’m here in Mumbai. On they way through the city at midnight on Wed, I asked myself, ‘why would anyone in their right mind want to come to such a place… that is a place filled with everything from squalor to riches… from a man sitting in a ‘hole in the wall’ trying to make his last sale of the day before going to sleep in the same place, to seeing the new ‘under construction’ multimillion dollar, state of the art, airport.

Trying to understand what India has to offer from the material point of view, generally makes little or no sense. Unless you have come on specific business, or for a vacation to some of the wonderful beaches, or to climb Mt Everest, etc… it’s not exactly ‘Eco/environmentally friendly’ or a place who’s cities win awards for city planning, beautiful parks, etc.

It generally takes me a few hours or even days to re-tune into the purpose and motivation behind my excursion. My visits to India are for focusing on increasing my awareness of the spiritual dimensions of life. While here, I attempt to move from oasis to oasis, seeking out the nectar.

Sure there’s lots of fun and interest in all the Bazaars, elephant rides and historic relics, what to speak of the unlimited varieties of food… but when all is said and done and experienced… the real wealth of India lies in her ancient wisdom passed down from God, via the great sages and saints.

Right now I’m staying (3 weeks) at a very special ashram/temple. The whole atmosphere is surcharged with genuine love and devotion… quite refreshing/uplifting.

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